The Lockdown Game
!! Mature Content 18+ Erotica Novel!! After a sex-filled night with a beautiful, strange lady, Elvin is torn between wanting to say goodbye to his one-night stand and his desire to have her one more time. But then, the government declares a lockdown. He finds himself trapped inside his home with her, and just like him, she also wants more—but through a series of games.
The Lockdown Game Free Chapters
Chapter 1—The Lockdown | The Lockdown Game
Elvin Field ignored the ticking clock and closed his briefcase. He stood erect to look at the lady laying naked on the bed. Last night had been fun, he thought, and she was just a mere stranger. He thought against waking her up to get her things and get going, but seeing as they had made love till four in the morning, he thought it best he let her get some rest.
Was she even working? Did she have somewhere she needed to be? Elvin ceased the endless questions his mind was ready to ask, and he went downstairs to get breakfast.
Elvin helped himself to some coffee. His mind trailed off to last night.
He remembered taking her into the house. They would have moved immediately to the bedroom, but she probably was as hungry for him as he was of her, so they had started in the living room. She had undressed him while still clothed and had sucked on his sex till he was on the edge of release. She had licked and sucked on him like someone used to the art, and it had driven him wild with desire.
When she had finally gotten to her feet, he was hasty to have to have and helped her out of her panties, leaving her skirt in place and removing her jacket, blouse, and bra. The sight of her had made her look sexy, and when he slid a finger into her, he found her wet.
Elvin wanted to relive last night. He wanted to feel it anew, the urge, the sexual tension she had stirred at the bar, satisfied at home, and was now stirring up inside him again.
Elvin’s mind drifted to when he slid into her; her moan had been the driving factor to his pleasing her. He had come multiple times in her, and her climax had been without counting. They had both left each other exhausted from pleasure and still with the want to continue.
She had let him lick and suck her down there, and her climax every time was mind-shattering. He could tell with the way she held his hair, as if looking for something to hold onto for support as her body shook beyond recognition and control.
Elvin looked around the living room, and he could see all the places they had had sex. They had done it on the floor, on the sofa, on the dining table, and had finally ended up in the bedroom where he had been deep in her for hours.
He was surprised to be up this early. He should still be in bed as last night had been pleasing but demanding. Actually, Elvin needed it. For the past few days, he felt like his life wasn’t his own. What he did was wake, bathe, dress up, eat, go to work, have lunch, come back home, eat dinner, bathe, sleep, and repeat all these activities the next day.
But something odd had happened in the office yesterday. He tried to remember; yes, he had closed a deal and was told to have dinner with a certain client. The client didn’t show up, so he left a message with the waiter and moved to a bar just across the restaurant to get himself a bottle of beer. And it was there he met her.
This mystery lady, one that seemed to be crafted perfectly with a flawless body, could probably be a whore. Elvin remembered how she had sat astride him, rocking her waist back and forth, driving him mad, and pleasing herself in the process. Her pleasurable moans of climax were a sound he could never forget.
Elvin wondered how many men she had had sex with. The thought offended him, and the fact that they had acted like lovers last night seemed to be an addition to his anger.
He didn’t believe in love. Due to his past and the multiple broken hearts that had followed in a trail on his path like broken toys discarded on the ground, he had grown a tough heart towards ladies. Sex, he was ready to give, not love. He didn’t have time for it. He had his business which was a good distraction, and considering the fact that he hadn’t had sex in a long time, last night was a miracle. He still remembered all his moves and places to touch in a woman’s body.
Touch. The way she had touched herself last night also. Elvin felt himself go hard just at the thought of it. He looked at his wristwatch. Perhaps, he should abandon work and just stay in to relish the feel of last night. No, the offer was tempting, but he wouldn’t succumb. No, he would not. He had developed a tough skin, and no lady, not even this lady, could penetrate him.
He gulped his coffee, got out a piece of paper, and wrote on it. He hoped she would find the note; well, she couldn’t miss it. He left some cash for her on the table and whispered his goodbye.
Walking into the garage, he pushed the car remote to unlock the doors. He got in and remotely opened the garage door, and through his rearview mirror, he watched it slide up.
Backing out of his house, Elvin’s phone rang, and he stopped reversing to answer it.
He checked the caller. It was his friend and work colleague, Bert Shepherd. Elvin answered and placed the phone to his ear.
“Hello, Bert,” Elvin said.
“Hey, Elvin. Have you heard the sirens?”
“What sirens?”
Just then, sirens began wailing, and Elvin looked at his window.
“What is happening?” Elvin asked.
“Something happened last night at Square Park,” Bert said. “Several people fell unconscious on the road, and phone calls were made to hospitals in the dead of the night. More people have been falling unconscious. The government doesn’t know the cause, so they’ve declared an emergency lockdown and we are all to stay in.”
The sirens continued to wail, and Elvin didn’t know what to feel. He was torn between the joy of staying at home to relieve his sexual fantasies and the need to distract himself with work. Not knowing what to do, he submitted to the lockdown.
“Thanks, Bert,” Elvin said and ended the call. He returned the phone to his jacket and wondered what this was.
He drove inside and controlled the garage door which slid close. His mind wandered to the lady on his bed, and he felt his need get hard. What to do, he thought. What to do?
Chapter 2—Good Terms | The Lockdown Game
The scent of coffee and toast sailed through her nose as Eve stirred and immediately became wide awake. She glanced sideways and noticed a tray on the bedside table. Her gaze moved to the window where startling rays of sunlight flooded in, giving the room a sort of welcome warmth. She gently rolled to the edge of the bed and sat up. That was when she noticed him in his white shirt and shorts, silently watching her.
“Did I wake you up?” Elvin asked.
Eve looked to the tray at her side then slowly returned her gaze to him.
“Not exactly, but I’ve not had enough sleep. Thanks for breakfast, though.” She reached for the tray then looked back at him.
“It’s mine, right?” she asked.
Eve set the tray on her lap and began to eat. When she looked up, he was still staring at her, and his gaze seemed to occasionally move from between her legs to her breasts. “You look hungry yourself.”
His gaze met hers. “I have eaten,” he said.
“Are you sure?”
His smile probably told her that he knew what she meant, and he said, “Yes.”
“Preparing for work?” she asked.
“Not exactly.”
Eve squinted her gaze at him. “What’s the time?”
“Ten in the morning.”
She raised her brow and thought him to be careless about his job. “Don’t tell me you want to get yourself fired. Hope this has nothing to do with you looking after me because I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.”
“No. It has nothing to do with that.”
She looked a bit disappointed. She half expected him to say yes. “Great. Because after this delicious breakfast you just served, I should be on my way too. And thanks for last night. It was terrific.”
“Um, you can’t go.”
Eve gave him a curious stare, a smile appeared on her face. Somehow, this seemed to make up for the disappointment of him not wanting to go to work but watch her, but she had to find out. “Oh my. This isn’t about last night, is it?”
“Then what?”
“There’s a lockdown.”
Eve laughed. “Right. Good one… I’m sorry. I don’t even know your name.”
“That’s the point. You’re not supposed to tell me. I doubt you know my name. We are going to go our separate ways and act like this never happened. It was amazing. I hope I see you again, and frankly, you’re not my type. But sex-wise, you’re great. So…” She stood from the bed and looked around for her things.
“They are all in the parlor,” he said.
Eve gave a single nod, and said, “Right.” She walked towards the door.
“You’ve not finished your breakfast,” Elvin said.
“I should be more concerned with going to work,” Eve said. “Thank you for breakfast. That’s really romantic.” She left the room.
Elvin met her downstairs in the living room getting into her clothes. She put on her heels, searched for her phone, and Elvin pointed it to her.
“Right there,” he said.
“Thank you,” she said and took to her feet.
Suddenly, she paused, her gaze fixed on her phone. “Oh shit. Forty missed calls. Goodness. How do I explain myself? Hey, thank you again. Goodbye.”
“You’ll be quarantined if you head out,” Elvin said to her. “Call someone from the office.”
Eve dialed her secretary, Priscilla, and placed the phone to her ears. Her secretary picked up.
“Have I missed any meetings?” Eve asked.
“No,” her secretary said. “You’re not coming to work, are you?”
“I am supposed to. Why?”
“No one is in the office. No one reported to work today.”
“Is this a joke?”
“No, it is not.”
“Exactly. So, why didn’t anyone turn up to work? Do they want to be fired?”
“The government issued a lockdown. There’s been an incident. People are falling unconscious. No one is safe.”
Eve slightly turned to look at Elvin who was still silently watching. She looked away. “When did this happen?”
“Last night.” Priscilla moaned.
“Are you okay, Priscilla?”
“No, no. I mean—I’m fine.”
“You don’t seem fine. I can hear your breathing. Why are you breathing hard…”
“Faster. Faster. Uh.”
Eve arched a brow, knowing what Priscilla was doing or engaged with, and she hung up. She turned to Elvin. “What happened last night?” She hoped he understood and made no reference to the sex.
“The government has been unable to say exactly. I tried to see the nine o’clock news, but there’s nothing on the screen.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“If you listen, you can hear the wails of sirens.”
“Those are from ambulances. Not the emergency alarm,” Eve said, wondering if he thought her dumb.
“I know. They are going after other victims. Really, no one is allowed out,” Elvin said. “I wish I were lying to you, but I’m not.”
Eve saw the bulge in his shorts, and she saw him quickly turn away. What was he thinking? That she would be trapped here with him and that they would become bedmates. Not happening. She had a house and a life that she needed to go back to. But she seemed closer to danger if she stepped outside. If people were falling unconscious for no reason, best she kept to herself and stay right here with this stranger.
With the way this man, whoever he was, looked at her with longing, she could tell that he wanted more. Last night was amazing. Totally breathtaking. But, it was supposed to stop at that. Last night. Why were they still together?
How had she even run into him again? Yes. She had seen her fiancé with another lady, and although she was supposed to be meeting someone at a restaurant she arrived at, she had gone to drown herself at the bar across the street.
Eve looked at her phone to see her fiancé—no, her ex-fiancé—had left her lots of messages, and she deleted them without reading them. She didn’t want to know the content. She didn’t want to break down before this stranger.
He seemed nice. He had prepared breakfast in bed for her, something her fiancé—no, damn it, ex-fiancé—had never done.
Just when he was about to leave, she said, “Sorry for doubting you. I don’t normally wake up naked in strange beds.”
Elvin turned to face her, and she saw the bulge in his shorts was no longer there. “It’s okay.”
“I’m Eve O’Neal. What’s your name?”
“Elvin Field.”
“Such a beautiful name. Well, now, we’re no longer strangers.” And she hoped he agreed. “However, if we’re going to be locked in here, I must warn you, last night will have to repeat itself. I don’t know how long, but till this lockdown is over, it will continue.”
Eve saw the bulge in his shorts return.