The Omega's Revenge

The Omega's Revenge

Chapters: 29
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Lillith Mykals Kennedy


!! Mature Content 18+ Erotica Novel!! In book three, we pick up where we left off as Kate runs away with baby Belle. Kate's father, Alexander, had urged Kate to run without consulting with her husband and Alpha, Erick. Unfortunately, Kate does not get far before vampires ambush her. Alpha Erick is furious with Kate. He tracks Kate down just in time to stop the vampires from taking baby Belle, and all three of them return to the pack. However, Kate is not the same Kate as when she left. She is now in the company of the imperial white wolf. Erick fears for his child and his wife. He must learn about the white wolf and how to save his wife before she is consumed with dark energy. Erick's love for his wife, child, and pack will be put to the ultimate test as he faces the Omega's revenge.

Age Rating:18+ Werewolf Suspense Erotica Mate Pregnancy

The Omega's Revenge Free Chapters

Chapter One | The Omega's Revenge

Kate POV:

The floor creaks in the darkness of my infant's room, and then I look up to see him. "Father," I say softly.

"YESSSS," Alexander hisses at me. I am frightened, but relieved to see my father.

"Where have you been?" I ask him. I have needed him and he has been missing.

"Hiding from your brother. You have to take her and hide from Isabella. You have to keep her safe, Kate. Go, do not tell Erick, just take her and hide her. He will understand. I will explain everything to him. Isabella and the Omega are planning to kill her. Take your child and GO!" Alexander says to me.

“Erick will not understand. He will be furious with me if I leave with her,” I say softly.

“You have to go, Kate! GO! Baby Belle is the most important thing in all of this. Her life has to be protected,” Alexander screams at me.

I grab a few things for baby Belle. I put her things into a bag. I reach into baby Belle’s crib and pick her up gently. I run for the window. I hold my baby close to me. I look back at my father, and then I jump out the window with my baby in my arms. I use my vampire speed to get away as fast as possible. I am sorry, Erick. I cannot risk her life. I cannot put your pack before our child. I hope you will understand I am going this for her.


I take my precious baby, Isabella, and I run for our lives. I run for the woods and keep running. I am tired, but I cannot stop. I cannot let anything get in the way of her safety. My vampire speed is not enough. I finally take my wolf form, holding her as I try to get away from the house. I trust no one with my child’s life, not even my Alpha.

I love Erick, but our child is the most important thing right now. I have to worry for her and her well-being. I cannot put the pack first. Isabella and Erick's mother want precious baby Belle. They will not have her. I will keep her safe if it kills me. I will protect her from all of them.

I run for hours until I run into a clearing. I quickly return to my human form. I see a small abandoned farmhouse not far from where I stop. I wonder if I can find a car there or something to get us further away from her. I did not plan this very well. I ran without thinking, but I know it was the right thing to do. I am the only one that can protect her from the omega and Isabella. Alexander is right, I am the only one that can keep her safe.

I approach the abandoned farmhouse slowly, just in case it is occupied. I am exhausted from running and transforming. It seems since having baby Belle taking my wolf form is more exhausting than before. My body is still not accustomed to the vampire form. I drain so much energy when using vampire speed or my wolf form. I desperately need to rest.

I slowly open the door to the farmhouse. I have baby Belle clutched closely to me. I push the door open and peer inside. It is empty. I walk over to the kitchen table. There is a candle. I knock the cobwebs off of it. I look around for a match or something to light the candle. I find a small box of matches and light the candle. After I light a candle, I sit down for a moment to feed baby Belle in a wooden chair. She latches on to my breast as I ponder what in the hell I should do next. Erick will be furious, I know, but he has to understand that I cannot risk her life. She has to live. Baby Belle is the future of our pack.

Baby Belle falls asleep feeding. I am not sure exactly how far away I am or what territory I am in right now. I have to be careful. I do not want to run into my brother, his crazy wife, Isabella or another wolf pack. I do not wish to be returned to Erick, and I damn sure do not want my brother and his wife to get their hands on my baby. There has to be somewhere I can go to hide with her. I cannot trust anyone. Baby Belle and I will have to hide. I just do not know for how long or where we will go.

I hold my baby tight as she sleeps. Maybe I was wrong about running. Should I have talked to Erick? No, he would disagree with hiding her. He would worry about the pack, not us. I carry baby Belle into a back room of the old farmhouse. I need a place to rest. There is a small bed. It is dirty, but I need to sleep. I lay down with her to rest just for a little while. Then I will run once again. I will run until I find a place for us. I do not care if I have to run for the rest of my life; she will be safe.

As I drift into sleep holding baby Belle, I think of Erick and how much I love him. I know this is hurting him. I do not want to hurt Erick. I know he is worried. I only hope that Alexander explained to him how much danger Belle is in right now. Let us be honest; she will probably be a threat to the vampires and the wolves for the rest of her life. How will I protect her? I do not even know who all I have to protect her from now.

I hear a noise. Have they already found me? I get out of the bed with baby Belle in my arms. I must hide her from the danger coming. I open an old wardrobe and get inside with baby Belle. I sit quietly. I hear footsteps and talking as whoever moves through the house. Maybe if Belle is quiet, they will leave us. I will have to run the rest of the night. As soon as they leave, we are out of here. I am too weak to fight them off.

"I can smell her and the child. They are here," I hear a deep voice say. The steps grow louder as they come into the bedroom.

"She would not be stupid enough to stop," I hear another voice say.

"We need to find her and help her. She cannot protect the child. She is too weak," the deep voice says.

I peer out of the wardrobe and see a young woman. Vampires, it is vampires. The dark blue eyes of the woman lock onto mine. She walks over to the wardrobe and opens it, looking at me.

"There are a lot of people looking for you, Luna. I have come to help you," the woman says. She reaches down to help me out of the wardrobe.

"You cannot have my baby! Get Back!" I scream at her. I kick at her and leap to my feet with baby Belle in my arms.

"I am here to help, not take your child, Luna. You need to trust me," she says. She inches closer to me extending her hand and smiling at me. I see a white wolf in the corner, but then it disappears.

"I trust no one with my child, do not come any closer. Get back, I will not tell you again," I say. I back up toward the door. I have to get out of here.

I make my way out of the door. The woman walks toward me. "We only want to help; Alexander sent us to find you," the woman says.

"I do not believe you. My father would never send you to get me. He told me to run, why would he send someone for me. You must think I am stupid," I say to her.

I walk out of the backroom slowly backward. I have to get away from these vampires. "You are one of us; we will not hurt you," the young vampire says.

I look at her companion. "He looks like he might hurt me," I say.

"No, he will not hurt you either. Let us take you to your father, Luna," she says.

"NO!" I scream. I turn to run out of the farmhouse. More vampires are waiting for me in the front of the house. I am holding baby Belle tightly as the vampires move closer to me. They are not here to help; they want her.

"You are not taking my baby!" I scream.

I hear running and growling in the distance as the vampires come closer to me. They reach for baby Belle. They try to pull her from my arms. I take my wolf form to fight. Baby Belle begins to transform. She takes the form of a wolf and latches to my fur. She growls as she sits on my back.

"Back the fuck off, bloodsuckers!" I scream at them.

The woman comes from the back, and she is laughing. "You can hand her over and come with us, or we can take her, Luna," she says calmly.

"No, get away from me and my child," I growl, and when I growl, baby Belle growls at the vampires too.

As the woman and her henchmen close in on me, wolves come through the front door. I take baby Belle into my arms and run past the wolves holding her tightly, trying to escape from the fighting.

I turn back to look when we are clear. I check baby Belle to make sure she is okay. "Where are you going with my daughter?" Erick growls, pouncing in front of me.

“Erick, I was trying to protect her,” I say to him.

“I do not think so, Kate,” Erick says. He is angry with me.

Erick takes baby Belle from my arms. Trip comes up behind me and grabs me. "Lock her up," Erick says to Trip.

"Erick, wait!" I scream at him.

He does not answer me. He walks away with baby Belle. Trip drags me to a waiting truck. He puts me inside the truck. I begin to sob and scream. "Give me back, my baby!" I scream. I kick the door and dashboard, trying to get out of the truck. Trip has the door locked, I cannot open it. I sink down in the seat and begin to cry out for my baby.

Trip gets into the truck. “You should not have taken off with the baby,” Trip says.

 He drives us back to the pack without saying another word to me. When we get to the pack territory, he goes past our home. “Where are you taking me?” I ask him. Trip does not answer. He drives to the pack jail and parks in front of the pack jail.

"Why am I here, Trip?" I ask him.

Trip gets out of the truck, and he comes around, takes me out, and drags me into the jail. "You stole the Alpha's child, Kate," Trip says calmly.

Trip drags me through the jail until we reach the back cells. He pushes me inside the last cell. "She is my child, and she was in danger!" I scream as Trip locks me in a cell.

"I am sorry, Kate, but you should not have done this. You cannot kidnap the Alpha’s child and think there will be no consequences for your actions," Trip says.

Trip leaves me alone in a cell. Erick hates me, and I have lost my baby. I fall to the floor and cry. I have to talk to Erick. I have to tell him why I left. Where is Alexander? I need his help!

Chapter Two | The Omega's Revenge

Kate POV:

The night is long without my baby. I cannot sleep. My arms ache for baby Belle. I want my child. Why doesn't Erick understand that I ran to protect her? Maybe he wants to hurt her too. Maybe he is just like everyone else. Maybe I cannot trust him either.

Trip brought me food, but I cannot eat. I want to be with baby Belle. Locking me in jail and taking my child is unfair to me. Erick has to know that I was only trying to protect our child. I was not trying to hurt him or our baby. I was only trying to protect her.

Erick should be grateful I ran with her. He is the one being a selfish jackass, not me. I see the wolf again, the same wolf I saw at the farmhouse, but only for a second, and then the wolf disappears again. I feel a darkness in the wolf. Who is it? Why is the wolf here? Is it here to help me?

I hear the door opening, and John is in front of me. "Kate, we need milk for Belle," he says. He stands in front of the cell, looking down on me like a smug asshole. I growl at him. I have nothing but hate for him and this pack now.

"Bring her to me, and I will feed her. She is my baby and I want to feed her," I say. I walk over to the cell door so that I can look into his eyes. This man that was once my friend, and now he is holding me hostage. This pack and their agenda I do not want to be here. I should have run farther before I stopped.

"Alpha Erick and Cassie have tried to give her formula. She refuses. She is hungry Kate, we need your milk," John says sternly.

"Then bring me, my child! I will feed my baby! I WANT MY BABY!" I scream!

"You are being a selfish Bitch! I need you to give me milk for the baby. I have a bottle and a pump for you. Do what is best for your child and stop being a bitch!" John screams back at me. I growl at him loudly. I want to tear him to shreds. He is making me so angry.

"No, I was only trying to protect her. Doesn't Erick understand that, or has he moved on to Cassie already!" I scream and growl as my anger grows.

John kicks the cell. "Listen to me. Cassie is helping him with Belle, nothing more. You should have trusted your Alpha. You have done nothing but undermine this pack since you came here, Kate. This is not how a pack works as the Luna you should know better than anyone. You cannot steal the Alpha's child," John says to me.

I walk away from the cell door. John is infuriating me. I see the wolf again. I want to kill John and this entire pack. I only want my child."Really, I choose my child over this damn pack, and I will do it again and again! Fuck you and this entire pack," I say.

"You should have gone to your Alpha, but instead you choose to be a selfish bitch and only think of yourself. Think about your baby," John says.

"My child is more important than Erick's frail ego! To hell with all of you! I will get my child back, and all of you will pay for this!" I scream.

I start destroying my cell. I kick and scream, vandalizing everything in my path. I take my wolf form and begin shredding the bed and bedding. I claw at the walls of my cell.

"I want my baby NOW! BRING MY BABY NOW!" I scream at John. I growl louder than I have ever growled before in my life. I feel dark energy and see the wolf as I begin destroying my cell again.

A dark energy consumes me completely. I feel an intense energy making me both strong and furious. I look at John and begin to push him against the wall with my mind. "I WANT MY BABY! I WANT MY BABY!" I scream.

John begins to scream out in pain. I am killing him with my mind. I choke him and watch him struggle to get air into his lungs. I smile at him as he struggles. I enjoy his suffering. The wolf stands behind him as I make him struggle. I cannot wait to make them all suffer.

Trip comes running into the jail. "Stop, Kate, you will kill him," Trip yells to me.

"I WANT MY BABY! He can die. I do not care! Bring me, my BABY!" I scream again. The dark energy from the wolf is making me strong. I can take my baby from these idiots and there is nothing they can do about it.

I grab the cell doors and begin to shake it violently. I claw at the cell door and reach for Trip. I will kill them both if they do not let me out of here and give me my child. "GIVE ME MY BABY!" I scream.

Trip checks on John and then comes over to me. "Calm down, Kate. Please calm down. I will talk to Alpha Erick about letting you see Belle, just please calm down before you hurt someone," he says.

I try to calm myself, but the anger burning inside me is unreal. I want to rip him apart. I want to pull all of them apart and take my baby far away from here. Even Erick, I will kill him and Cassie. If I have to destroy this entire pack to keep her safe, I will do it.

"Go get Erick NOW! Bring my child, tell him he better bring my child to me!" I scream and growl as the anger begins to grow again. I feel the wolf at my feet. The wolf is moving between my legs and rubbing its fur against me trying to soothe me.

Trip helps John to his feet. The two men leave me alone amongst the ruins of my cell. I want my baby, and these assholes will give me my baby, or I will kill them all. The dark energy inside me seems to release as I calm myself. The wolf calms me. When I look I do not see it. I know I felt it at my feet.

I sit down on the floor. I am exhausted from the energy pouring out of me. As I sit, the wolves begin to call to me. The Imperial Wolf is calling my name, but it is different this time. I can see her, the white wolf. I see her standing in front of me. She is a beautiful white wolf with dark eyes. She is here for me and to help me get my child back.

"Help me. Help me get my child back, please. I know you are here to help me, please help me," I plead with her.

She looks at me and walks through the bars of my cell. This ghostly image of a wolf comes to me. She lies down at my feet. Her eyes pierce my soul. She is here to help me. At least someone gives a damn about me.

"Please help me, please. I am begging for your help," I say softly. Her snout nuzzles my feet, and she lays her huge fluffy head on me. I reach down to pet her. Her fur is just as soft as it looks. I let her fur rolls across my fingers. I am lost in her presence. I can feel my energy levels increase. I almost feel normal again. I feel strong.

I look up to see Erick standing in front of me, angry with me. I have no idea how long it has been since John and trip left to get Erick. I am lost in the wolf. His expression changes as the Imperial Wolf looks into him. What is she doing to him?

The wolf looks at him and then back to me. "Alexander is playing the two of you against each other," the wolf speaks in a loud celestial tone. The wolf is right about Alexander.

Erick opens the cell door and walks to me. He sits down beside me on the floor. The wolf returns to her place beside me. I continue petting her. Erick sits quietly with me as John and Trip enter the jail cell. Both men are terrified of the white wolf. Good, be scared.

"Cassie is on her way here with baby Belle as you instructed, Alpha," John says. I look at John and Trip; they are both terrified of me. Good, I want them to be scared.

Erick nods his head and continues to sit quietly. We wait in silence, petting the imperial wolf. John and Trip both look confused, watching this unfold in front of them. The imperial wolf looks back at them and growls. John and Trip leave the cell and go outside to wait on Cassie.

"Why did you leave, Kate? Why didn't you come to me?" Alpha Erick finally breaks the silence to ask me.

I look down at the imperial wolf, and she nudges me to tell him. "I was afraid, and Alexander told me to run. He said baby Belle is in danger here. She has to be protected," I say quietly.

"You should not have left like that. I did not know what happened to you or her. I was terrified," Alpha Erick says.

"You were so afraid that you locked me up in here. I can see how concerned you are for Belle and me, Alpha," I say.

Erick looks at me. "Your father, Alexander told me you were running with her, that you were looking for Isabella and that you would...," he says.

"I would what?" I ask. The dark energy begins to consume me again. I can feel it taking over.

The imperial wolf begins to growl loudly at Erick. "He said you were going to kill her to stop all of this," Alpha Erick says.

This infuriates me. "You think I would harm my child. I only ran to protect her," I scream.

"I have no idea what you are capable of anymore. Trip said you tried to kill John," Alpha Erick says to me.

"To hell with you and this pack. I only want my baby back. Yes, I would kill anyone who I thought would harm her, even you, Alpha," I say.

"Baby Belle will never leave this pack, but you can. You are free to leave now, if that is what you want, Kate," Alpha Erick says to me.

"I will never leave my child; she is mine, Alpha," I say.

"Fine, you are stripped of your title as Luna. You are now an omega. You will live with me until baby Belle is older, then you will be banished to the Omega house. Don't cross me, Kate; I do not want to hurt you, but you will not put my daughter in danger," Alpha Erick says.

"Fine, Alpha, have it your way, but you will not keep my child from me," I say.

Cassie comes into the jail with baby Belle. She hands baby Belle to Erick. Baby Belle is screaming. "She is hungry. Give her to me, Alpha," I say. Erick hands her to me reluctantly.

"Do not even think about running with her or hurting her. Feed her, then give her back to Cassie. I will have Trip escort you to the house. You will be in the house locked down, got it, omega," Alpha Erick says.

I take my baby and feed her while Cassie watches me. The white wolf stays close to me, and baby Belle, she is protecting us. I could probably run now with her help, but I need a better plan before I run again—patience Kate.