The One That I Belong To
Chaya is a talented writer and a determined businesswoman. Her on and off relationship with superstar Tyler Garcia has just ended, and she thought they were done for good. When she is invited by her college friend, Jellybean, on her boyfriend’s birthday, she meets handsome creative director Kyrie. Their attraction is instant. But Kyrie’s old flame comes back, bringing his son with her. Avery has a terminal illness and her death wish is for their relationship to have another chance — just until her time is up. Realizing that her love for Kyrie is real, Chaya has no choice but to give way. She can wait for him. But something happens to Tyler, and only Chaya can help him recover. Kyrie thinks Chaya has turned her back on their love... but what if it's something more than that?
The One That I Belong To Free Chapters
Chapter 1 | The One That I Belong To
“I’M SO glad you made it!”
“Hey!” Chaya could not help beaming as Jellybean pulled her into a hug.
She met her at the lobby of the condominium building of her boyfriend’s place. It was his birthday. They were finally reunited since they parted ways from graduation.
“We’ve got so much to talk about, don’t you think?” Jellybean pulled Chaya toward the elevator.
“I guess so,” Chaya agreed with a nod.
“So, how are things between you and Tye?” Jellybean asked as she punched the buttons to her boyfriend’s unit.
There were only two of them in the elevator.
Chaya forced a smile.
“I guess we’re done for good,” she replied with a shrug.
“What?” Jellybean uttered in surprise. “Tell me you’re kidding.”
“I wish I was. But…” Chaya pursed her lips. “Yeah.”
Jellybean’s face turned sad. “Honestly, I really think you’re perfect for each other. Tye really looked like a genuine person.”
Though they had been apart for years, Jellybean was ‘following’ their private relationship. They had constant communication through messaging apps, so they were always updated with each other.
“He is,” Chaya agreed.
“I wish he was the problem, so it would be easy for you to get over it.”
She chuckled at Jellybean’s remark. “I did think we’re going to end up with each other,” she said afterward. “Some things are not just meant to be, I guess.”
“Cheer up, Chaya.” Jellybean squeezed her shoulder. “Parker got a lot of handsome, rich friends. I’ll introduce you to them later.”
Chaya shook her head as she laughed. “No. I have my priorities, and they are a great distraction.”
“You can never be so sure, Chaya.” Jellybean winked.
“Wecome to Parker’s humble abode,” she said as they entered Parker’s unit. It was on the seventh floor of the building.
It was almost nighttime when Chaya arrived. That was not her first time visiting a condo. Tye lived in one, but he said he liked staying in her tiny, cheap apartment.
Parker’s unit was elegant and spacious. Of course, he could afford a place such as this. He was just one of the highest-paid basketball players in the country. And he was only thirty years old.
And speaking of the birthday boy. Parker appeared in the living room with a broad smile. He was towering, with broad shoulders and sun-kissed skin.
“Chaya?” he said.
“Parker. Happy birthday!”
“Oh, thank you. It’s nice to finally meet you. Jellybean has some really interesting stories about you.” He offered his hand.
“Wow.” Chaya turned to Jellybean in amusement as she shook Parker’s hand. “I’m quite relieved to hear that. It’s nice to finally meet you, too, Parker. Can I ask for an autograph later?”
Parker chuckled as he let go of her hand. “No problem.”
“Chaya is a certified introvert, you know. But I can always count on her back in the day,” Jellybean said matter-of-factly.
“Do you mind if I ask if you’re dating someone right now?” Parker asked.
“My good friend Kyrie has been single for a long time now. He’s a good guy, but I worry that he’s married to his work.”
“I just came from a breakup, actually,” Chaya replied awkwardly. “But maybe we can be friends.”
“How long have you been together with Tye, by the way?” Jellybean asked.
“About three years of on-and-off relationship,” she replied with a sad smile.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Parker said sympathetically.
“Thank you. That’s kind of you.”
“By the way, we’re going to have dinner on the balcony.” Jellybean motioned to the other side of the unit. “Have you called Kyrie yet?” she asked Parker.
“Yep. He must be in the parking lot right now,” Parker replied.
“Let me help,” Chaya volunteered.
“Oh, thanks, Chaya. Let’s go.”
“Thanks for your help, Chaya,” Jellybean said.
She had set the long table on the balcony. Parker wasn’t expecting a lot of visitors, she'd said.
“No problem,” Chaya replied.
“I’ll go get the cake. You can rest here while we wait for the rest.”
“Oh, okay.” Chaya nodded.
When Jellybean went back to the kitchen, Chaya sauntered to the other side of the balcony to get a view of the city. The sky was now turning indigo from crimson. There were skyscrapers everywhere she looked.
She paused as she spotted a huge billboard across the street. Tyler Garcia, one of the country’s promising leading men, was holding a hamburger from a popular fast-food restaurant. He was the chain’s newest endorser. He was wearing a big smile.
Chaya sighed and looked away. She caught the steel rail and looked below her. She was met by the swimming pool on the ground. That was a mistake because she had a fear of heights.
She quickly took a step back as she felt dizzy, but she bumped into a firm wall. The wall smelled of soap and faint perfume. Chaya realized that it was a man when she felt strong arms around her.
She automatically glanced up, and she was met by a handsome face. Tan skin, full lips, and thin stubble around his mouth—this man looked as if he had walked out of a dream. Chaya blinked when she realized she was shamelessly staring at him.
“I’m sorry!” she said as she pulled away from him. She cleared her throat as she straightened her back. She could feel her heart pounding inside her chest.
“Did I scare you?” he asked in a soothing voice.
Chaya blinked once again. “N-no.” She shook her head at once.
“I’m glad to hear that. I was just about to introduce myself.” He smiled. “I’m Kyrie Andrew Page. You can call me ‘Kyrie.’ Everyone calls me that.” He offered his hand. “And you are?”
“I’m Chaya Rosales, Jellybean’s friend.” She took his hand. Her heart skipped a beat as he squeezed it. “I-it’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you, too.” Kyrie slowly let go of her hand. “Have we met before?”
“I don’t think so. I’ve never seen you before.” Chaya laughed awkwardly.
It was funny how she could still feel his touch around her. Chaya almost thought she would melt in his arms.
Kyrie smiled.
“So, it looks like you have met my boss,” Jellybean interrupted. She put the cake on the table.
“Your boss?” Chaya uttered in astonishment.
“Yeah, I worked for him. He is the creative director and the future CEO of Kving,” Jellybean said proudly.
Jellybean worked as a branch manager of Kving, one of the most popular shoe companies in the country. It got the most popular celebrities and athletes as its endorsers.
“The latter part is an exaggeration,” Kyrie remarked.
“It isn’t. It’s going to happen,” Jellybean said confidently.
Kyrie smiled at Chaya as he shrugged. Chaya could not help a smile, too.
“I love to brag for my boss, you know,” Jellybean added and giggled. “Oh, and Chaya’s single.” She winked at Kyrie as she nudged her boss’s side with her elbow.
Kyrie could not help a chuckle as Chaya felt her cheeks burn.
“I GUESS everyone’s here,” Parker announced as he appeared with a couple behind him. “So, that is Chaya over there. She’s Jellybean’s good friend from college. Chaya, this is Winston and his girlfriend, Coleen.”
Winston was Parker’s teammate.
“Hi,” Chaya greeted and gave them a small wave.
“Hello,” Coleen replied.
“So, Kyrie isn’t going to be a fifth wheel after all,” Winston teased.
“Shut up, Winston,” Kyrie said in a bored tone.
The rest of them laughed except for Chaya. She felt awkward.
Chapter 2 | The One That I Belong To
“I’M REALLY happy that you joined us tonight. Thank you, Chaya.” Jellybean peeled off a sheet mask as she sat on the bed.
They were already in their pajamas. Chaya agreed to spend the night with Jellybean. And Kyrie, too. He was in the next room with Parker.
“I should be the one to thank you for that,” Chaya said. “I’m glad we’re still the same.” She smiled.
“I know.” Jellybean giggled as she put on the mask to her face. “Do you want one?” She motioned to the sheet mask.
“No, thank you. I still have some work to do.”
Jellybean groaned.
“I can’t believe you.”
“What?” Chaya laughed. “I’ll be just reviewing some files before I send it to the client. Besides, I’m not that sleepy yet.” She picked up her backpack from the floor and pulled her laptop out. “Do you mind if I ransack Parker’s kitchen?”
“Not at all. Go help yourself.”
Chaya smiled. “Thank you.” She was passing by the living room when she sniffed the familiar aroma of coffee in the air. Someone was still awake, making coffee in the kitchen. Her curiosity won, and she found herself sneaking.
Chaya was welcomed by the sight of Kyrie’s broad back. He was facing the counter. He was only wearing a white T-shirt and black shorts. She could not help pursing her lips.
Chaya jumped when Kyrie suddenly looked over his shoulder and greeted her.
“Did I scare you?” he asked, chuckling.
“A little,” she replied with a nervous laugh. “Hey. Um, do you mind making it for two?”
Kyrie smiled. “Be my guest.”
“Thank you,” she said in a sincere tone. Chaya sat at the counter and opened her laptop as she patiently waited for him to make the coffee. She noticed a sketchpad on the counter. It must've been his.
“Why aren’t you asleep yet?” they asked in chorus.
“I can’t sleep,” they replied in chorus again.
Kyrie chuckled. Chaya laughed, too.
“So, how would you like your coffee?” he asked.
“More creamer and less sugar, please,” she replied.
Chaya bit her lip once again when he wasn’t looking. He intrigued her. She liked that he carried himself so well. He was calm and gentle, and his very presence gave a sense of security to her.
Right, Chaya. For a man whom you just met a few hours ago.
“There you go.” Kyrie carefully placed the cup beside her laptop.
“Thank you very much,” she said gratefully. She picked up her cup and took a small sip. “Wow,” she uttered, impressed. “This is good,” she told him.
“Thank you. I like my coffee black and sweet.”
Kyrie sat beside her. He put his cup down and picked up the sketchpad.
“So, what do you do?” he asked.
“I’d like to call myself a linguist.”
“So, my friends and I built this small company where we work with publishing platforms and other authors like us. We do adaptation, translation, and publication. Right now, we’re busy setting up our physical office.” Chaya shrugged. “We’re hoping for the best.”
“That’s cool,” Kyrie remarked, impressed. “You’re not only pretty. You’re talented, too.”
Chaya laughed awkwardly. “I didn’t know you were a flatterer.”
“I’m not.” He chuckled.
She arched an eyebrow as she glanced at his sketchpad. “What’s that?” It was her turn to ask.
He opened his sketchpad and showed a drawing to her. “It’s still a draft,” he replied. There was a hint of shyness in his voice. It was a pair of shoes.
Chaya’s eyes widened. “You’re a shoe designer, too?” She reached out her hand. “Can I take a closer look?”
“No problem.” Kyrie gladly handed his drawing to her.
“Wow.” She gave him an admiring look. “You’re the real talented one here.”
“Is this for women?”
“Yup. I want that pair of shoes to keep up with women as they go places. If you know what I mean.”
“I think I’m going to need this,” she said matter-of-factly. “Personally, I prefer wearing something that’s compatible with any weather.” Chaya could not hide her smile. “Am I the first one to see this?”
“I’m so lucky.” She gave the sketchpad back. “I’m already looking forward to that.”
“Thank you, Chaya. I didn’t know you were a flatterer.”
Chaya giggled softly. “I’m not.”
“You're home,” Ellie welcomed in a dull tone.
“And you just woke up,” Chaya remarked.
Ellie had not brushed her hair, and she had not washed her face, too. She was holding a cup of coffee as she sat in the living room. Ellie was the epitome of a passionate writer.
“I only got four hours of sleep.”
Chaya reached home past nine in the morning. “I barely slept, too,” she said.
“You want some coffee?”
“No, thank you. I already had a cup before I left Parker’s condo.” She dropped her backpack on the couch. “I met a guy.”
Ellie arched an eyebrow. “Oh.” She took a sip. “Tell me about it. I’m all ears.”
Chaya laughed. “It’s not what you think. I think you can ‘google’ him.” She sat beside Ellie as she pulled her phone from the pocket of her jeans.
Ellie’s parents owned an apartment building, and she had decided to transform one unit into their office. It was an ideal location since it was near commercial establishments. But Chaya, Ellie, and Jae liked to call it their hideout. They decided to register it as Infinitales because they never ran out of stories to tell.
“We should hang out sooner. Call me when you’re free. Bring your friends with you,” Jellybean said on the other line.
Chaya only had to take a break from working because Jellybean called. She flexed her back and winced. She had been sitting for too long.
“Sure. Let’s do that. I’m sure my friends would love that,” she replied enthusiastically.
“By the way, have you heard from Kyrie?”
Chaya’s mood changed at the mention of that name.
“Why would I hear from him?”
“He asked for your number.”
She straightened her back as her heart skipped a beat.
“Did he?”
“Yeah. He called me after he left the condo.”
Chaya’s shoulders dropped. It had been a few days, though. Maybe Kyrie changed his mind and thought she was not interesting enough. A part of her felt saddened. “Should you be telling me that, though?” she asked.
Jellybean laughed nervously. “I’m sorry. Sometimes, my mouth is just out of control. But seriously, I think he likes you.”
Chaya pursed her lips. “I like him, too.”