Thread of Illusion
!! Mature Content 18+ Erotica Novel!! Davina Pepper works at the Bayou Blue Hotel for Reid Walker. When a storm rolls into her small town, she takes refuge in the hotel. Reid offers to keep her and her best friend Sidney company for the night as they ride out the storm. An unexpected message from her husband pushes her into Reid's bed for the night. Reid wants more from her, but Davina is unsure if she can give Reid what he wants. As she tries to sort it out, she becomes close to his bad-boy brother, Rusty. Davina is now stuck between two brothers fighting for her, each wanting something completely different from her. One brother wants to love her forever and the other wants her as his possession.
Thread of Illusion Free Chapters
CHAPTER 1 | Thread of Illusion
Davina POV
I pull into the Bayou Blue. I love my job, and I love this hotel. I have met some unusual people working here. I have a great boss, and the pay is not bad. So, why am I always late for work?
I jump out of my car, grabbing my purse. Reid is going to raise hell at me. I run through the door and quickly to the clerk entrance.
“Sorry,” I say as I set down my purse on the desk in the back office.
Reid gives me his devilish grin. “I think you are earlier than I expected. Why can you not get here on time?” Reid asks.
I smile. “I honestly don’t know. I think I’ll be late for my own funeral,” I say.
“At least you are honest about it. We are booked. I already checked almost everyone in. There are just a few, so it should be an easy night,” he says.
“Okay. Anything you need me to do?” I ask.
Reid gathers his things. “I don’t think so. You could try to be on time tomorrow,” he says.
“Hot date?” I ask.
“I wish. If you need anything, call me. I will be in the area. Leave room 421 open. I might stay here tonight,” he says.
“We are expecting bad weather tonight,” I say.
“Yes, Larry is in room 216. If you want to block you a room, you can,” he says.
“Yeah, I think I will block me a room. I’ll get Sidney to bring me a bag,” I say.
“423 is open, and it has a hot tub,” he says.
“Thanks, Reid,” I say.
Reid leaves the hotel. He is something else. I bet he has a hot date. I wish my ass. He might try to pretend with me, but damn, I know. He is delicious. I would love to sink my teeth in him.
I log in to my computer and start to get ready for the night. We are pretty much booked. I block off rooms 421 and 423 before it gets booked. At least I know Larry will be here on time and probably early. I can go to the hotel bar for a few hours before going up to my room.
I pull out my phone to text Sidney: Go by my apartment and pack me a bag, please. I am going to stay at the hotel tonight. You can stay with me if you like.
Hopefully, she is not busy. Who am I kidding? She is never busy and will probably jump at the chance to stay with me at the hotel.
She texts back: Hell Yes. I will be there before you get off. I will grab enough for a few days. The rain is going to be bad. We might be stuck a day or two. I will stop by the liquor store. Kisses I knew she would come through for me. Sidney has been my best friend my entire life. She has always been the more outgoing of the two of us. I wish I could be as free-spirited as her. Not me. I need everything perfectly normal.
I need stability. That’s why I married the sweetest man on the planet. I married my high school sweetheart. We have the most predictable life. Other than the fact I am late for everything, we are normal. We eat the same things; we go the same places—we are normal.
I pull out my phone and text my sweet husband: Nathan love. I’m staying at the hotel with Sidney. The rain is going to be bad. I was worried about getting to and from work the next few days. Sidney is going to get my things. When will you be back?
If he texts me back at all, I will be shocked. I grab some files from the cabinet. Reid is terrible at filing. I try to file as much as possible. At least it gives me something to do tonight.
The rain has started coming in. My husband still hasn’t texted me back. I’m sure he is busy. He is always too busy for me. I shouldn’t think about it like that. He is working. He is always working. He is good to me; Nathan is the best husband. He can be cold, but he is also a loving, sweet man.
My phone dings finally: Hey love. I got your things. I am on my way to you At least Sidney texts me back. I put the files away. I look upon the camera and see Reid’s car pulling back into the parking lot. I grab a key card and make him a key for 421.
“Hey. I got you a key made for 421. You sure you don’t want 423?” I ask.
“No, you take it. Is Sidney coming over to stay with you?” he asks.
He always asks about Sidney. She is beautiful.
“Of course, I don’t want to be alone,” I say.
“Well, let me know when you two head to the bar. I will go with you,” he says.
Damn, I should not be thinking about how sexy he is. I am a married woman. I guess it doesn’t hurt to look. My phone dings again: okay, I will be in Arizona until next week. Be safe No “I love you.” Okay, I will let it slide. I can drink about it later. I check the clock; it's almost time for Larry. I do my paperwork quickly. I see Larry walking up from his room.
Sidney is pulling up in the parking lot. Yes! We can get to the bar and party all night with Mr. Sexy. This should be fun. Who am I kidding: she will party, and I will be the wallflower.
Sidney comes through the lobby door at full speed.
“Hey, boo thang. I got your bag, and I got booze,” she hollers.
“Girl, quiet,” I say.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” she says.
She is always so loud.
Thank goodness, Larry is coming in.
“Hey, Sidney,” he says.
Sidney leans over the counter. “Hey, Larry,” she says.
She is such a damn flirt. “Larry, there is nothing to tell. Everyone is checked in, and I am out of here,” I say.
I grab my purse and the keys to our room.
“We’re going up to the room first?” Sidney asks.
“Yes. I want out of these clothes,” I say.
My phone dings: come to the bar after you change “Who is it?” Sidney asks.
I laugh. “The boss man,” I say.
“He’s hot!” she says.
“That he is,” I say.
We get on the elevator, and I hit the button for 4. “What room did you get for us?” Sidney asks.
“423. We got a hot tub,” I say.
“Hell to the yes, girl,” Sidney says.
We get off the elevator and start making our way to the room. I hand Sidney a key, and I keep one for myself. She opens the door.
“Is Mr. Sexy staying close to us?” she asks.
I point to 421. “He is right there. So, do not be sneaking out of the room and knocking on his door tonight,” I tease her.
“Oh, no honey. I would never. I know you want some of that,” she teases me.
We giggle as we go into the room. I set my bag down and start to go through it. Sidney packed me enough clothes for a week.
“How bad do you think this rain is going to be?” I ask.
“Well, I doubt we will able to get home for a few days. It is going to flood. Did you text Nathan?” she says.
I throw my clothes down on the bed that I picked out. “Yes, I did, and I got the typical okay from him. It is so frustrating. I am not going to let it get to me. Tonight, we are going to drink and get in the hot tub and have fun,” I say.
“I hope the bar has some decent food. I am starved. I ran late at work, then had to go to get your stuff, so I’m so hungry,” Sidney says.
“The restaurant is open for another hour,” I say.
Sidney smiles big. She loves to eat. How can someone so skinny eat all the damn time? I have to work at it. She burns calories with her mouth, I guess.
“Hurry up. I’m starving,” she fusses.
I let my hair down and fluff it up. I apply makeup and slip into my clothes.
“I brought your heels,” Sidney says.
“Great, maybe I won’t fall on my face after I drink,” I say.
I grab my purse and the key to our room. “Come on, hurry up. If you are that hungry, let’s go,” I say.
She bounces behind me. We go out the door and head to the restaurant to get the crazy woman some food.
“Are you going to invite Mr. Sexy to come to eat with us?” she asks.
“Maybe,” I answer her.
She reaches into my purse and gets my phone. She scrolls to Reid’s contact number: Meet us at the restaurant “Now, Let’s party,” she says.
CHAPTER 2 | Thread of Illusion
Reid POV
My phone buzzes. I pull it out of my pocket. It is from Davina. She and Sidney want me to meet them in the restaurant. I’m sure it is Sidney. Davina would never be so bold, and she never eats. Oh,Davina, sweet Davina, she is never one to speak up or speak out. How I would love to help her in some way.
I grab my drink off the bar. I cannot believe how many people have taken refuge in the hotel for the storm. It makes a good bottom line for the month. I hope they all behave tonight. With the weather getting bad, there will be nothing to do but eat and drink. Drunk tourists are always fun.
My phone buzzes again. Girls, I am on my way damn. I look at my phone. It is my brother, Rusty: Staying at the hotel tonight. I have no power.
Well, that is odd. He never comes here. He doesn’t like to be near this place. He always stays at the five-star hotels close to his house. This should be fun. I bet Sidney will be all over him.
I text him back: I will be at the restaurant with Davina and Sidney. Meet us there. Try to behave yourself I put my phone back in my pocket. I walk across the hallway to the restaurant. I open the door and look in. Sidney and Davina are already seated. The staff loves Davina. She is a great asset to me. Other than being late for everything, she is great. I will never say anything to her about it. She does so much. She takes care of the staffing, the scheduling, the ordering. I could not run this place without her.
I wave at the waitress to let her know I am sitting with the ladies. I take my seat between them.
“Hello, ladies. My brother will be joining us,” I tell them.
“Really, Rusty is coming here to wait out the storm? That is odd. What does he want?” Davina says.
Sidney perks up. “Brother, hmmm. So, is Rusty single these days, or is he bringing someone with him?” she asks.
I knew she would be on it. She is the polar opposite of Davina. Davina is calm, quiet, and reserved. Sidney is wild and outgoing. At times, she is not, but for the most part, Sidney is wild. There have been a few times she has been cold and indifferent to me. She is an odd bird, that’s for sure.
“Rusty never keeps anyone around for long,” I respond.
Sidney laughs. “Sounds like fun for me tonight,” she says.
Oh yeah. He is going to eat you up. I guess Davina and I can hang out and have a few drinks. I will keep it professional with her. I would never cross that line with her. She is beautiful, but she is not that kind of girl.
“Sidney, behave yourself,” Davina says.
“What do you ladies want?” I ask.
“Booze,” Davina answers quickly.
“Oysters and booze,” Sidney answers.
“I will order us all oysters and a pitcher of Tom Collins,” I say.
I wave the waitress over. “Oyster platter for four and a pitcher of Tom,” I tell her.
She takes my easy order and quickly leaves. I look to see if Rusty is coming.
“Nervous?” Sidney inquires.
I give her a scowling look. “My brother is very different. Trust me, you will know when he gets here. I want to intercept and get him straight to the table,” I answer her.
I know she is Davina’s friend, but damn, she is a little bit of a bitch. I hear a ruckus coming from the lobby. Yeah, that’s Rusty. He is nothing like me in more ways than one. Rusty, my half-brother. The one who destroyed our family.
“I will get him,” Davina says.
She has handled Rusty more than once. She gets up from the table and makes her way to the lobby quickly. I can hear her fussing at him. He usually listens to her. Rusty does not listen to anyone. Anyone who has two eyes knows he has a thing for her.
It doesn’t take her long to wrangle him into the restaurant. She comes back with him arm in arm. He pulls out her chair and sits across from her.
“Brother,” he says slyly to me.
“Problem in the lobby, brother?” I ask.
“No, no, no. I asked Larry to put me in room 421 or 42,3 and he said both rooms were taken. I asked him to move them, and he said that was not possible. I want 423. Think Davina can make that happen?” he says.
Sidney scoffs at him. “Hell to the no! We are staying in 423,” she says.
He quickly adjusts his attitude. “I will just ask for 425, but you girls got to let me use the hot tub,” he says.
I figure Sidney will jump on that. He is her type. Rusty is bold and arrogant. The two of them are a match made in heaven.
“Fine, just do not bring in whores in my room,” Davina says.
Wow, she got him. I look over to see his face. “Understood,” he answers.
I can't believe he did not jump on that. “So, where is she staying?” he says, pointing at Sidney.
Yep, I knew it was coming.
“Fuck you,” Sidney pops back at him.
Oh yeah, these two will be in bed together by the end of the night. I can see it coming. I look at Davina. She just rolls her eyes. The waitress is back with the pitcher of Tom.
“Please, bring everyone a shot of tequila before people start killing one another,” Davina says.
Davina pours everyone a drink. “Can we all please behave? I am nervous enough about the weather,” she says.
“Yes, sure, I can behave,” Rusty says.
Sidney looks at Davina apologetically. “Hear from Nathan?” she asks.
Davina cuts her eyes at her. “I don’t want to talk about it,” she says.
“Trouble in paradise, Davina?” Rusty teases.
“Watch it,” she snaps at him.
The waitress approaches with four platters of oysters. She places a platter in front of each of us.
“I’m not hungry, but bring me a double shot of Tequila,” she says.
I am worried about her. Not eating is one thing, but drinking? She never drinks. “You need to eat if you are going to drink,” I say to her.
She nods and starts picking at the oysters. I reach over to her platter. I take the oyster fork and scoop out the oyster for her. I place it on a cracker.
“Open,” I say, and I slide it in her mouth. Holy shit, that just really turned me on. I cannot think of her like that. I have women in my life, and she would not fit into the lifestyle I have. She is married, for one. He would notice if she was a part of my life.
“That’s good,” she says.
The table got quiet all of the sudden.
“Shots!” the waitress exclaims when she returns. She has four shots and an extra shot for Davina.
Davina reaches for the double and drinks it in one gulp. Then grabs the regular shot and does the same. She reaches across me and grabs mine and slams it.
“Bring the bottle,” she tells the waitress.
The waitress looks at me, and I nod, letting her know to bring it. I lean over to Davina. “Are you okay?” I ask her.
“Nope, but I will be,” she says.
I glance over at Sidney who shakes her head at me to let me know not to push it. It must be the husband. He is good to her, but he doesn’t give her what she needs. I can always tell when it is getting to her. Something happened. I did notice her looking at her phone. I wonder what he said that hurt so much.
“Do you guys want to hang out in the bar, or we could go up to the roof?” I suggest.
“I forgot you guys have that covered area on the roof next to the pool,” Sidney says.
“We could all get in the hot tub,” Rusty suggests.
Sidney glares at him. I can look at her and tell her she will hate fuck him before the night is up.
“I lit the fire pits earlier. I can close it off so just us have access to it. It could be fun,” I suggest.
“One bottle of tequila,” the waitress says as she sets it down on the table.
Davina grabs the bottle and her shot glass. “I am going to the roof,” she says.
“I am going with her,” I say.
“You know I am going to eat first,” Sidney says.
“Yeah, and I am going to stay here with queen bitch,” Rusty says.
Damn, she will either fuck him or kill him tonight. Whichever, I do not care. As long as Davina is okay. If she is not okay, maybe I can help her be okay.
I grab Davina as she rises from the table. “Let me help you,” I say.
She leans into me. She has such a sweet scent. She has the scent of lavender and honey. I wonder if I am wrong about her. Maybe she would fit in to my little group.
I hold on to her. “Do you want to go to the roof?” I ask.
She shrugs her shoulders. I take her to the elevator. Just as I am about to hit the roof button, she reaches over me and hits the button for 4.
“Can we go to your room?” she asks.
“Yes,” I say.
I will try to be a gentleman. I will not let her do anything she will regret. She leans into me. This is going to be hard. I will let her vent to me. I know she needs someone to drink with and talk to. I know Sidney is not the person for the conversation she needs to have. Oh, Davina, the pleasures I could show your body. The places I could take you. Even though I know I should not.
“He met someone,” she says softly.
“Who?” I ask.
“My husband. He met someone, and he wants a divorce,” she says.
I pull her into my arms.
“It will be okay,” I say as I kiss her on the forehead.