Whispers of Power

Whispers of Power

Chapters: 55
Updated: 04 Mar 2025
Author: Keira Hant


On the continent of Elphraim, magical abilities are as common as the air people breathe. Bound by strict laws and ancient rivalries, the four great houses that rule it wind up on the brink of war due to betrayal and infidelity. Calliope, a commoner with no direction in life, no dreams to fight for, and no family to live for, finds herself entangled in a web of secrets and power struggles. Calliope’s life changes drastically when she discovers she is a descendant of the Knightley family, a famous noble family of seers. As the legacy of her bloodline unfolds, she uncovers dark truths that will re-write the history of the entire continent of Elphraim. Amidst the revelation, Calliope meets Sylvain, a mysterious figure with the power to stop time. She used to have nothing, but now she stands to lose everything. Will Calliope abandon everything to gain more than she ever imagined? As the continent teeters on the brink of war, she must choose between the side of the person she loves or the side that will give her power and reclaim her family's honor and title. Will she choose love now that she has heard the Whispers of Power?

Fantasy Adventure First Love Slow-burn Love Betrayal Coming Of Age

Whispers of Power Free Chapters

1: The Beginning Of An End | Whispers of Power

I’ve always been alone. Being alone is what I have known for as long as my memory serves. Others might only see its emptiness, but I embrace the solitude and find peace I have come to cherish. I never met my parents; my grandmother raised me and she’s all that I had until death took her from me.

I was ten years of age when she passed away. Since then, the bakery owner, Mr. Miller, was kind enough to let me work for him. I could read, write, and do simple arithmetic as my grandmother taught me. Mr. Miller is a kind man, he’s my grandma’s only friend.

“Happy sixteenth birthday, Calliope,” I saiy to myself as I blow on the dandelion I hold.

I feel a sense of tranquility wash over me as the sun disappears beyond the horizon. I am sitting alone on top of a hill. The fog started to appear on the forest below, and the castle I was staring at, was slowly blending in the darkness of the night. The castle is almost as big as our town. Maybe even bigger when you include the land around it that belongs to the academy.

That castle is a reminder of the division between us and them; the people who live in power, and the people who live in the slum.

Almost everyone has special abilities here in Dymera, our region’s name, located in the eastern part of the country. It’s a magic that manifests in an individual before they are even born, but there are late bloomers too. It could be hereditary or something that manifests based on someone’s circumstances, giving them unique abilities. It’s like having an extra arm or sixth sense; we become one with the magic that develops within us. However, only a few can study and enhance their abilities extensively in an institution.

The castle I am staring at is an institution that trains and educates people in the upper class or the nobles with special abilities, the Zephyr Academy. The tuition in the academy costs thousands of gold coins, that we who barely make ends meet, can only dream of earning. Only the nobles and children of wealthy merchants study in the Academy. They said the Academy was founded after the last king of our continent died in a rebellion. Its main aim is to unite the future rulers of the continent to prevent wars in the future.

There’s a school for people like us who can’t afford to go to the academy, but it’s only a three-year program. Just enough to teach you reading, writing, basic arithmetic, and the basics of how you control your power, so you won’t go out of control whatever your ability is. After that, most started labor based on what their ability could help most. The only problem is the jobs are limited and we have no specialty on anything. We’ll take what can put food on the table.

But I’ve still been luckier than most. I have a roof under my head, I didn’t have to sell my body for food worth a day, and I didn’t have to beg in the muddy streets of our town.

I stood up and started walking through the forest. I lived in the forest. It’s half an hour's walk from the village where I work. It’s dark but I know my way around here. I can pinpoint every tree, and animal, and the direction of the air. I can feel and sense the energy and presence of every living thing around me. If I am in a closed space, my ability will work at a much shorter distance. I can even go as far as sensing people’s emotions and needs by their energies.

I stopped in my tracks when I noticed there was light coming from my house. I live alone. There’s supposedly no light from there until I get home. I walked even faster until I felt a presence inside my tiny abode. It’s Mrs. Miller. I can feel her distress from here.

When I opened the door, Mrs. Miller greeted me with swollen eyes. She’s the wife of the baker.

“Calli, I need your help,” She hastily said as she approached me.

When her husband took me in when my grandmother died, they fought day and night. She didn’t want more responsibility than she could handle she said. They already have two kids.

I felt so unwanted and ashamed that I asked Mr. Miller if I could just go back to my house inside the forest and just work at their bakery during the day. He was so tired of fighting with his wife that he just agreed. I worked hard and did everything the couple asked me to. Eventually, Mrs. Miller got so used to my presence that it almost felt like she was starting to like me.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Knights of Lord Estellios is rounding up the town looking for my husband.”

“Why would they be looking for him?” As far as I know, Mr. Miller is a good and cautious man, he wouldn’t mess with them.

“He and some shitheads stole something from the Estellios’ Manor. I know Erick would never do that; he doesn’t have the balls to steal from that fat devil incarnate. Calliope, I need your help to find him before they do.”

Lord Estellios is a nobleman who lives in our town, Eklis. A small town located west of our region, Dymera. He’s not officially in charge of our town, but he’s running it from the shadows. And every person here knows better than to cross him. He will fuck you up or straight down kill you. And stealing from him? You’re good as dead.

Mrs. Miller grabbed my arms, “I was lucky I was warned by some townspeople before they reached our house, I already sent my two boys to our relatives to hide. If they find me or you, we will be taken in for questioning. I don’t think we’ll get out of there alive. It doesn’t matter if Erick is guilty or not.”

I’m too stunned and scared to process everything she said. Even if we miraculously find him first before them, where would we even go running with a fugitive?

“Where would we even start looking?” If I’m not mistaken, it’s been two days since Mr. Miller had gone out of town to buy some supplies needed for the bakery.

Should I just cut ties with them and run away by myself?

“There’s this secret small information guild that Erick has been frequenting since last week. He didn’t tell me anything except that the guild is using a tavern as its cover and hideout. I think they have something to do with this.”

An information guild? Mr. Miller is a baker, what is he doing with an information guild?

“Let’s hurry, it’s only a matter of time before they find us here.” Mrs. Miller pulled my arm and ushered us to the door.

She and I sneaked into the town wearing cloaks. In every establishment we passed by, I used my ability to check if Mr. Miller was there. More knights are roaming the town so we’re more discreet. With my ability, we can easily avoid knights and unwanted attention by staying out of their sight.

We’re currently hiding in a dark alley, waiting for the Estellios knights to pass. On our left, two blocks away, the tavern Mrs. Miller was talking about is located.

“Two of the thieves were already caught. It’s only a matter of time till one of them rats his way out. Those stupid cunts think they can steal from Lord Estellios and run away.” One of the knights passing said.

Two of the thieves? Is Mr. Miller one of them? What would happen to us if he’s caught? Would they let his family go as they punish him?

I gasped in horror when someone grabbed my arm. Shit!

I didn’t feel anyone approach us at all. My guard is all up so someone can’t sneak up on us.

“Who are you? What are you doing here?” The man with a familiar voice asked.

“Erick?” Mrs. Miller gasped in surprise as she identified the man.

“Calli! Edna! What the hell are you doing here?!” Mr. Miller is as shocked as we are. The alley is dark, but I can still see the restlessness on his face. His energy felt weak. His ability is hiding his presence; he must’ve been using it for a long time.

Mrs. Miller slapped the hell out of his husband’s face.

“What the fuck do you think you were doing? Getting involved in a robbery? Are you fucking out of your stupid mind? Did you even think of your children?” She angrily spat on her husband that he had to hush her before someone heard us.

I can no longer feel the presence of the knights. We are in the clear.

“I have no time to explain. I’m so sorry Edna.” Mr. Miller hugged his wife; tears fell down his eyes. He let go of Mrs. Miller who’s now tearing up too and faced me.

“Calliope, I need you to keep this for me.” He grabbed my hand and placed an object there that made me drop my jaw.

It was a brooch with an intricate design detailing the crest of the Estellios family. And what bothers me more is the energy I sense from it. My ability is limited to living things, and if I feel energy from an object, it means there is magic imbued to it.

“So it’s true, you’re a thief.” I suddenly blurted out as I looked at him in horror.

“Please listen to me first. That brooch is a magic amplifier. A man is waiting on top of the hill located outside of the southern part of our town. Take my family there and give this brooch to that man. He will take you all to safety.”

I shake my head in disbelief, “what about you?”

Mr. Miller smiled sadly. Before he could even speak, I suddenly felt a presence approaching our location.


We ran to the back of the alley, away from the streets. Mr. Miller ushered me and his wife to run to the left corner while he ran in the opposite direction, separating us. I gripped the brooch so hard that I felt it leave a mark on my skin.

I can feel the people running to us. I pulled Mrs. Miller into another alley. I signaled her to run to the right. She hesitantly looks at me.

“I said go! Let’s meet at my house.”

She ran and I waited before the knights could see me.

“Stop right there!” One of them shouted.

I continued running in the opposite direction where Mrs. Miller went. I can feel my lungs burning and my lower limbs slowly giving up. I was covered in sweat and I continued panting for air. I ran and ran not knowing where I was headed. A light emits from the end of the alley where I’m headed, it must be the main streets.

This is it.

I guess this is the end for me. I’m holding the very object that was stolen from the House of Estellios while running from their men. I just hope that Mr. And Mrs. Miller at least managed to escape.

I’ll be tortured and executed for a sin I didn’t commit. What a fucking end.

As my legs were about to collapse to exhaustion, my body stopped moving. I stopped moving involuntarily. The knights that were chasing me suddenly stopped too. It’s as if the time has stopped aside from my consciousness. My body is suspended in a running stance. I felt numb.

With all the confusion and shock, a man emerges from the end of the alley.

His jet black hair is shining from the lights of the main streets of our town. His gray eyes bore into mine; they were so beautiful that they reminded me of the moon. He’s wearing a uniform that I once saw when the students of the Zephyr Academy visited the town.

He can move while I can’t. It must be his ability.

My senses scream danger as he steps closer to me. I have never felt this way before. Every part of me is telling me to get away from him.

“Not so fast now, are we?”

2: Captured | Whispers of Power

The man steps closer to me and I still can’t fucking move. My heart is beating so loudly I can feel it break through my ribcages.

He stops inches away from me, his menacing gaze piercing right through me. He touches my hand, suspended in mid-air, and takes the object I was holding. His hand is as soft as a feather, matching his angelic face. He must be the same age as me. I tried to move and retaliate but to no avail.

Once he got a hold of the magic amplifier, the magic that immobilized me and the knights faded. I fell on my knees as I gasped for air. Was I holding my breath unconsciously or was it the ability of the man in front of me?

“Lord Winslow! We are honored by your presence!” The knights that were running after me showed their respect to the man. He looks too young to be a Lord.

I quickly regained my composure as reality kicked in. Desperate and not thinking the man could stop me again, I swiftly ran away to the side. But once more, my body froze.

“Try running again, and it will be the last time your legs can run.” The man’s threat sounds like a joke to me. I will seize every opportunity to escape. It’s an instinct of survival because I know I will be killed once I am caught.

Another man appears with the knights of  Estellios on his back. “The knights didn’t tell me a girl is involved in the thievery.” His voice was velvety and manly. His demeanor screamed authority. He was wearing a burgundy colored suit made of silk. A brooch with the insignia of Zephyr Academy was pinned on his right chest. He was not wearing a uniform like the other man and he looked older.

“Our apologies, Professor Corvus. We saw him together with one of the thieves involved. We must capture her for interrogation.” One of the knights chasing me curtly replied.

“Is that so?” Professor Corvus approached me. When our eyes met, I glimpsed a brief moment of shock on his face.

“Take the girl to my carriage, we’ll ride together to the Estellios’ Manor.” The knights showed protest but still complied with the professor’s order.

I was dragged inside a black carriage as the professor insisted. My muddied cloak and boots stained the red carpeted floor and velvet couch. I’ve never been in a carriage full of luxurious parts and intricate patterns before. I maintained my composure when the professor went inside too, facing me. Why would he put me here instead of a carriage made out of metal bars directly built for captured criminals?

“You didn’t have to put me here with you,” I said breaking the intense eye contact he was making. It’s uncomfortable. The carriage started moving. The professor looks like he is in his mid to late twenties. His sharp jaw and kind-looking eyes seemed to contradict, lending him an air of mystery. I suppose appearance often aligns with wealth.

“No, but I need to speak with you,” the professor continued, “Do you still have parents? Or any relatives?”

“What is it to you?” I asked back. Is he asking so he could punish them too? Too bad they’re long dead.

“Let’s not make this harder than it is to be,” he sighed, “maybe I can help you out of this if you just answer my questions directly and correctly.”

What he said just raised my suspicion even higher. Why would he even help me? He will not gain anything. More so reason to be more careful. He should be directly asking me about my involvement in the thievery.

“What’s your name?” He asked.

“Calliope, I’m an orphan. I don’t have any relatives,” I answered his question as I looked away.

“You’ve been alone all this time?” He pressed more.

“I had a grandmother, but she died when I was seven.”

His eyebrows knitted, looking more intrigued. “What’s her name?”

“Merida—Merida Clave,” I answered. It feels weird saying her name again after how many years.

“Did she look like you?” He asked with so much curiosity in his eyes.

“You mean old and frail?” I asked back again. Honestly, I don’t really remember Grandma that much. I had already forgotten the way she looked. The professor sighed.

“Why are you asking about my family? Shouldn’t you be asking how I stole the brooch from the Estellios?” I asked.

“I’ll save that for later.” He answered. “You have breathtaking purple eyes; they remind me of a noble family.” He leaned in closer, resting his elbows on his knees, causing me to press back against the seat in an attempt to keep the distance between us far enough for my comfort.

A strange feeling churned in my stomach. I used my ability. His energy feels stable, but full of intrigue, fascination, and excitement. I sensed no malice or any evil intentions from him. That made me even more confused “If it wasn’t for your clothes, I might mistake you for one of them,” he continued. His words made my eyebrow twitch with confusion and irritation. He meant that if I shed my peasant dirty clothes for luxurious dresses and shoes I’d look like a noble. Damn right, I would.

“I’m a professor at Zephyr Academy. The man you saw earlier who could stop the time is Sylvain Winslow, one of my students and first-born son of the Duke of Zephyrus. We were here on business with Lord Estellios and preparing to leave when we heard about the theft. My guts were telling me to intervene and help the search. Now I know why I felt that way.”

I can’t find the words to say to him. Should I ask him for help to escape? Why would he help me? Should I headlock him and try to escape by force? Sylvain might intervene again and the knights will kill me on the spot for attempting murder on one of the professors of the academy. How brainless of me to even think of using force on a grown man twice my size.

“What do you want from me?” I finally asked.

“I need the truth. Did you really steal from Lord Estellios? Are you directly involved in the theft?” He pressed.

I hesitated, uncertain how to explain that the stolen magic item was only passed to me by Mr. Miller without implicating him even more. Wait, why would I still protect the man who put me in this situation in the first place?

“Why does it matter what I did? You’re not going to believe me if I say no anyway. I was captured holding the stolen item.” I answered, frustration seeping into my voice.

“You’re right. You’re most likely going to be tortured for answers about your motive and accomplices. But let’s face it, you’re a girl. Do you know what they do to women in cells?” He warned, emphasizing the last part. I feel disgusted and appalled.

Before I could say anything, the carriage already stopped, making my heart beat undeniably fast.

What horror will I face in this god-forsaken manor?