Wrong Number

Wrong Number

Chapters: 53
Updated: 19 Dec 2024
Author: Faith Odulesi


Nikki Hood is Chad Bush's secretary. She is well known for her constant clumsiness and forgetful behavior. One fateful night, she sends a nude image of herself to Chad, instead of her boyfriend. Will this act cost Nikki her job?

Romance Billionaire BxG Fake Relationship Office Romance Pregnancy

Wrong Number Free Chapters

Chapter 1 | Wrong Number

"Nikki!" I heard Chad Bush bang his hand on his table, causing me to flinch hard. I rolled my eyes from my desk and stood lazily.

I had heard stories of irritated CEOs with anger issues, but I think Chad had a justified reason to always be irritated at matters that involved me.

I was one of the few people the dictionary defined as clumsy. I never intended for it to be that way, but alas, that was always the situation.

He referred to me as Nikki, unlike many others that called their secretaries by their last names. I was half a step closer to losing my job if I ruined one more thing, Chad had said.

"Mr. Bush?" I acknowledged as I got to his office. He eyed me up and down, and I wished so dearly that he'd cut straight to the point.

"Where is David Park?" He inquired slowly yet sharply. His voice wasn't raised, which signaled that this was his 'I'm impatient, and I might get angry' kind of mood.


David Park was Chad's friend, and he worked with a neighboring firm. I was supposed to create a schedule to inform David that Chad wanted to meet with him after work.

If one could guess correctly, I had totally forgotten. Chad tapped his fingers impatiently on the table, staring up at me from his desk. The frown on his face demanded an explanation, and he waited for an answer.

"Sir, I can explain." That sentence was how I started most of my justifying reasons for my stupid actions. "You asked me to get in touch with Rebecca Black to tell her about your canceled date."

"The date I had you cancel so I could meet up with David, yeah, go on." He was speaking in a rush, and nothing about the way his muscles flexed seemed like they were ready to put up with excuses.

"Funny story, sir," I raised a finger like I was getting ready to answer a question from a high school teacher. "I was so carried away with that assignment that I totally forgot to contact David Park." I ended the statement in a very low whisper.

"That does it!" he yelled, standing up with such a loud bang on his desk that I felt the pain from the contact on my own palms. This had to be his craziest type of angry.

That does what? He couldn't fire me. There was no way. He'd managed to put up with me for an entire year. There was no way he could ask me to leave now, was there?

"You are—" He began to say, and I quickly cut him short with a yell.

"Sir, no!" I had no idea what I was going to say but yelling seemed like my best option. "Please listen to what I have to say, sir. There's still ten minutes left till it's actually time for you to meet. If I can get David Park over here, will you please let me keep my job?" I pleaded, rubbing both my hands together. I looked at him with my self-proclaimed 'puppy dog eyes.'

He sighed, clenching his fists beside him. This had to be pure frustration, and I was sorry for him, for myself. "Nikki Hood. One more mess up, and you are out of my life. I promise,” he said the words so calmly that it sent shivers up my spine.

Chad Bush just promised. As cliché as it seemed, Chad was one of the men who never broke a promise. Knowing myself, there was absolutely no way I could stop myself from making another mistake. It was my unique personality trait, an innate gift.

I gulped and nodded as fast as I could. I hurried out of his office to see if I could get David-stupid-Park to come over.

Nikki, one last fuck up, and you're done...


I got home feeling as exhausted as soldiers at war. I tossed my bag harshly on the bed and ripped my shirt off, violently undoing the buttons.

The day was fucking hectic and was not worth it at all. It never was worth anything. I sighed as I examined my closet for one of Tom's large shirts that I could wear.

I needed something comfortable to be in for the night. And then I needed to think straight enough to set my life in order. If I lost my job as Chad's secretary, then I'd be back to Pizza City, cleaning the floors after dirty customers. I would rather kiss a dead monkey than live with the humiliation that came with the disgust from the job.

The thought made me cringe, and I instantly brushed it off. All I needed was a more retentive memory, to rid myself of constant distractions, and learn to focus more on work.

I decided to dial Tom. I hadn't talked to him all day, and I assumed that talking to him at the moment would induce some relief. Tom was my boyfriend, and we'd only been together a month and a half, so our relationship was still off to a tasty start.

As expected, there were missed text messages from him, and I giggled as I read through each one of them. They were mostly about how sweet I was, how priceless a girlfriend I was, and all the other lovey dove stuff that came with being with someone.

My smile vanished as my eyes landed on the last text from him.

"I wish I was there with you. I have never been this horny before, and I honestly don't want to cheat on you."

I gasped and stared at the screen in surprise. What on earth had come over him was beyond my understanding.

Not knowing what to send, I texted him a question mark that denoted how confused I was.

"I need you to do me a favor, baby."

The text from him felt like I was talking to some random stranger on the internet. The kind that only wanted you to send them naked pictures because nothing else mattered to them.

I texted him back: "Anything, so long as you don't put some other girl in your bed. I promise you, if you do, we are done right this second."

A nervous feeling overpowered my curiosity, and I stared at my screen, biting on my lips impatiently, as the three dots danced, denoting he was typing.

"Well?!" I texted back impatiently.

"Send nudes."

My eyes almost dropped out of their sockets. I was a clumsy person, but I was not a sex worker, and I had never done anything that crazy in my life. Boyfriend or not.

"Nikki, are you there?"

"Nikki, I'm sorry. I promise to delete right after."

"Please text me back. I'm sorry, Nikki."


I wasn't ignoring his texts because I was mad. I was ignoring them because I was contemplating it so bad. It seemed exciting to try something new. I bit on my lips even more and then made up my mind. It wouldn't exactly kill me to do it, plus he was my boyfriend, and he deserved to see me naked.

"Fine. But just this once." I texted. I didn't wait for his reply. I jumped off the bed and then stared at myself in my mirror. I pulled his clothes over my head and then took off my bra. When I was left in nothing but panties, I pulled my phone out and took a mirror selfie. I looked really nice, I thought.

I sighed when I hit send.

Feeling crazy about my idea, I bounced on my bed and decided to doze off. When I hit the bed, my eyes began to close on their own accord. What was Tom thinking?

What was he doing staring at my picture?

Thoughts like this kept swimming in my head until I closed my eyes and eventually hit wonderland.


I woke up feeling nauseous. I stared at the time on my phone; it was a few minutes past midnight. I wondered why I woke up without cause, just like that.

I wondered why there was no message from Tom still. That seemed strange and uncalled for. I decided to text him to know why he hadn't texted me back yet.

As I picked my phone up, I gasped loudly. I was doomed. My life was over, officially, in every way.

I had texted the image to Chad Bush.

Chapter 2 | Wrong Number

"No, no, fuck this, no!" I stood up immediately. How on earth could I have messed this up? How did I go to Chad's thread instead of Tom's?

I looked through my phone to see what could have caused this mistake. I slapped my forehead when I realized that Chad had texted me to remind me to check my e-mail so I could edit the attachment he had sent.

This was the end. I knew I had to find my apron so I could get it dry cleaned for Pizza City. I was about to toss my phone when suddenly, something caught my eye. The message had been delivered, but Chad had not yet seen it. He must have put his phone away right after texting me, which meant there was still a chance to stop him from viewing the picture, which would cost me my job.

It was twenty minutes after midnight, but I dialed Tom. I had about a billion messages from him asking whether I had changed my mind. This wasn't the time to think about that.

As expected, he didn't answer the phone. I panicked and dropped the phone, deciding that pacing around the room would offer me a solution.

I had no way to get myself out of this until I concluded that I would go to Chad Bush's house and access his phone to get rid of the photo before he woke up.


I hopped on my old bike; who knew it would ever come in handy? I had on my pajamas, but I didn't care. After securing that my house was locked and my key was safe in my pajama pocket, I got ready to leave.

If anyone had expected anything, it was that I had no car. I barely made enough to keep up with paying my bills, and getting a car was not on the list of fun things to do.

Chad's house was quite a distance from mine, and if I pedaled fast enough, I would get there in an hour. That meant that by two in the morning, I would be at my boss's house, with barely any hope that he had not seen my stupidity.

The tell the world of my devastation would be an understatement of how I truly felt.

I knew there was only one way out of this. After all, what would be would be, but I would rather lose my job trying to save it than sit back and give up.


When I said house, I was wrong. Chad Bush was clearly royalty beyond expectations. He lived in a fucking mansion. I gaped at the immense home standing tall in its foundation and staring back at me.

I gulped and got off my bike, exhausted and out of breath. I had never been at Chad's. I only knew where he lived because I had a direction map on my phone installed for emergencies. If this wasn't an emergency, I honestly could not tell what was.

It was at that point that I knew I was in hot soup. I had not thought things through. Chad was an influential man, and he, more than any soul I had met, prized security over many items. Top security would flood the entire place at the first sign of any trouble.

Although, from my view, the mansion was dimly lit with night lights, and it seemed empty. That made me think of something else. Chad cherished his privacy. And if he applied that sense to his personal life, then he had no security.

That was just my fucking way to console myself. I wondered how I was going to manage to get through the house without being noticed. I wasn't entirely unprepared; I had my business identification card with me, and there was nothing a little white lie wouldn't fix.

Without wasting any more time to think, I pulled my bike to a corner and rested it against a wall.

I stared at the massive gate. I was neither tall nor short, and I didn't have a great sense for heights, but this was one tall gate. I placed my hands akimbo and wondered how I would get over the giant obstacle and into the building.

"Eureka!" I whisper yelled to myself. The gate was fancy enough, but it was made of horizontal metal bars connected to vertical bars. I placed my feet on the first bars and my hands on the closest bars I could read. I began the climb.

I don't know how long it took, but I got to the top eventually. I turned around and placed my feet on the other side of the gate. My heart was trembling along with my limbs. "Don't look down, Nikki, don't look down." I was pleased with myself, but it was almost as if my subconscious had responded, 'yeah, I'm definitely going to look down.'

With that, my eyes followed the gate to the ground, and I shrieked. On their own accord, my hands let go of the gate, and I was crashing to the ground. It was a fall I doubted I would survive, but I hit the ground with my butt. I don't know the human body, but whatever bones were in that region had been flattened further, worsening my flat ass situation.

I stood up, ignoring the pain in my glutes, letting my mission override any hurt.

Barking dogs from a distance began to announce the sound of the stranger, me. Following their barking alert were the flashlights that filled the property. I was wrong about the 'no security' aspect.

Quickly, I dashed out of what I assumed was eyesight and hid behind the trees that lined what seemed to be a road that led to the main house. I gulped and rendered a silent prayer.

I raced behind the trees that served a decorative purpose and headed for the side of the house.

A few men walked towards the gate, but I managed to escape their scrutiny, thank God.


After thirty minutes of tiptoeing around the property, I got inside the main house. I can only attribute this to luck, but the first door I tried was unlocked. The only reasonable explanation was that Chad kept it open in case security had to get him out in emergency situations. I had to assume no one else was welcome, which proved my theory right about his appreciation for privacy and security.

But that was also crazy because I had literally just gotten in here without being armed.

I shook my head and ran up the stairs as silently as I could. There were two floors after the first floor, and from the staircase, I could see that the last floor had numerous doors. What caught me about how large the second floor was, was the fact that it possessed only one door.

I hurried and made my way to the door. I turned the doorknob, and not surprisingly, it budged and opened without a creak, the perks of expensive doors.

I gasped when I saw the size of the room. It was almost three times the size of my apartment, possibly more. Fear gripped me at the consequences I might bear if I was caught in the act.

I hastily looked around. As dark as the room seemed, two tiny red lights magically illuminated the room. I spotted Chad lying in bed shirtless with a huge blanket hugging his waist and lower limbs.

An unidentifiable woman was lying next to him, and she was sprawled naked. Eww.

I was distracted when I noticed Chad's phone sitting by the bedside drawer. I smiled and crept up to it. Without pause, I grabbed it and made the longest run for my life. Fate was honestly working with me on this mission because the gate was left open. Maybe security was extending their search for the noise I caused earlier.

I jumped on my bike and pedaled away. I laughed sinisterly and yelled as loud as I could, "so long, suckers!" Of course, that was after I had ridden twenty minutes away.


I unlocked my apartment and walked straight into my room, feeling worn out. I barely had a few hours until it was time to leave for work. I hopped on my bed and pulled out Chad's phone. I furrowed my eyebrows; it was not the black one he always had. He only used one phone, at least, that I was familiar with.

I gulped, knowing there was trouble. I unlocked it, and alas, the image in front of me was a woman I knew reasonably well.

I had taken Rebecca Black's phone.